Timely Hazard Alerts

Protect towing professionals when they need it most
Fatality rates among tow operators are on the rise. When towing professionals activate their lights, approaching drivers receive real-time alerts to slow down and move over.

Track your vehicles’ location from anywhere
The Safety Cloud dashboard is a customizable control center where you can see the location and alerting status of every equipped tow truck.

Safely expedite towing jobs
When cars slow down and move over, towing operators can better assist stranded motorists safely.
Customer story
Towing expert on roadside safety and digital alerting
Join Ron Pratt, a towing expert with over 500,000 subscribers on YouTube, as he offers insights on roadside safety and the vital role Safety Cloud plays in protecting his crew on the road.
Equip service on any vehicle
Tow fleets can equip Safety Cloud® on any vehicle or rig in two ways.
Our hardware, the HA-7 transponder, connects with lightbars to automatically send digital alerts to other drivers when your lights are flashing. Customize your transponder to only alert on lighting patterns of your choice. Enjoy easy installation, upgrade capabilities, and even better, minimal down time, and no data plan.
HA-D allows fleets to directly activate Safety Cloud technology on existing CAD, GPS, or telematics systems. Using a hardware-free, direct back-end integration, HA-D links existing devices with Safety Cloud to know when lights and sirens are on and deliver digital alerts. Entire fleets can be activated with no additional installation or hardware necessary.