Preventing First Responder Collisions with Digital Alerting
D.C. Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office
D.C. Fire and Emergency Services
Prepared by HAAS Alert
Responding on the road poses a major risk for first responders. Despite significant advancements in automotive safety, emergency service vehicle incidents remain the second leading cause of firefighter deaths in the US.
Even a single collision can significantly impact an agency’s first responders, assets, staffing and morale. Digital alerting can help protect these emergency personnel from collisions with civilians or other responders while they’re on the road.
Recognizing the need for enhanced safety measures, HAAS Alert partnered with the D.C. Department of Transportation and DC Fire & Emergency Services to demonstrate the lifesaving benefits of a digital alerting service like Safety Cloud® by HAAS Alert.
HAAS Alert assisted in deploying Safety Cloud in 84 fire and EMS apparatus out of the 470 total fire and EMS vehicles across Washington, D.C. Take a look at this study to learn how digital alerting impacts speed reductions for collision prevention.
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Preventing First Responder Collisions with Digital Alerting
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Preventing First Responder Collisions with Digital Alerting

Preventing First Responder Collisions with Digital Alerting
D.C. Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office
D.C. Fire and Emergency Services
Prepared by HAAS Alert
Responding on the road poses a major risk for first responders. Despite significant advancements in automotive safety, emergency service vehicle incidents remain the second leading cause of firefighter deaths in the US.
Even a single collision can significantly impact an agency’s first responders, assets, staffing and morale. Digital alerting can help protect these emergency personnel from collisions with civilians or other responders while they’re on the road.
Recognizing the need for enhanced safety measures, HAAS Alert partnered with the D.C. Department of Transportation and DC Fire & Emergency Services to demonstrate the lifesaving benefits of a digital alerting service like Safety Cloud® by HAAS Alert.
HAAS Alert assisted in deploying Safety Cloud in 84 fire and EMS apparatus out of the 470 total fire and EMS vehicles across Washington, D.C. Take a look at this study to learn how digital alerting impacts speed reductions for collision prevention.
Fill out the form to receive your copy!
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