PA Firefighters Can Now Use Relief Funds for Safety Cloud
We’re pleased to announce that, as of April 2024, volunteer and combination fire departments in Pennsylvania can now pay for Safety Cloud® service with funds made available by through Pennsylvania Volunteer Firefighters’ Relief Association. Deputy State Fire Commissioner J.C. Tedorski confirmed this news.
Many fire departments often depend on volunteer firefighters to ensure community safety. These departments are typically not fully funded by local municipalities, necessitating external support to maintain their operational capacity. As a result, many states have some version of a volunteer firefighter relief fund to fill that gap. This money can buy safeguards that preserve volunteer firefighters' lives, health, and safety.
This aligns perfectly with HAAS Alert’s mission to transform road safety through lifesaving mobility solutions for first responders.
What Does this Mean for Pennsylvania Volunteer Firefighters?
The Pennsylvania Volunteer Firefighter Relief Association requires that any item purchased with these funds be used to improve the safety of volunteer firefighters. The Pennsylvania Office of the State Fire Commissioner has confirmed that it recognizes Safety Cloud as a allowable relief association purchase. Safety Cloud delivers real-time electronic notifications, known as digital alerts, directly to nearby and approaching civilian motorists. These alerts warn drivers of an emergency responder or other hazard in their proximity and prompt them to slow down and move over.
This advanced warning system provides immediate protection to first responders working on the road. Now, your department can purchase Safety Cloud service with these newly available funds.
Safety Cloud is already used by the Pennsylvania Turnpike, along with dozens of fire and EMS departments throughout the state, such as South Strabane. View the Management Guidelines for Volunteer Firefighters’ Relief Associations for more information on how your department can start the procurement process and purchase Safety Cloud.
How Can My Vehicles Start Alerting?
Once you've activated Safety Cloud service, your equipped vehicles will automatically start to broadcast alerts as soon as you turn on your emergency lights. There's no additional installation required. You'll stop broadcasting alerts once you turn off your emergency lights. Your crew no longer needs to worry about pushing a button to notify drivers when you're en-route or on-scene. Safety Cloud is a set it and forget it tool that allows you to focus on what matters most — saving lives.
How Does Safety Cloud Alert Drivers?

Civilian drivers currently receive Safety Cloud alerts in two ways. The first is through the free navigation app Waze. That means they'll be notified when an emergency vehicle is approaching them or if they're approaching a stationary incident or job site along the side of the road.
The Waze map displays an emergency vehicle icon when an emergency vehicle is in a driver’s vicinity. Then, a brief message pops up to notify drivers of the vehicle's presence and how far away it is. Drivers are then prompted to tap the screen to signify if the vehicle is still there, or if the alert is no longer relevant.
Drivers of compatible Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram vehicles (models 2018 and newer) will receive these alerts through Stellantis' Emergency Vehicle Alert System. If an emergency vehicle is nearby, the driver will receive an audible and visual alert through their car's infotainment center. Two dings will sound out. Then, a brief message with the appropriate hazard message will appear on the screen. Drivers can tap "Dismiss," once they've viewed the alert. Or, they can click "Not There" if the alert isn't relevant.
How Can My Fleet Pay for Safety Cloud?
Leverage three following options to outfit your vehicle with Safety Cloud:
Preinstalled and Prepaid on New Apparatus
Safety Cloud comes preinstalled and prepaid on select apparatus. That means a vehicle will include digital alerting capabilities without additional installation.
HA-7 Transponder: Integration with Existing Warning Lights
The HA-7 transponder is a piece of hardware that can be installed on any alerting vehicle. It connects directly to your vehicle and synchronizes with your on-vehicle warning lights. That means that when you activate your emergency lights, your apparatus automatically broadcasts digital alerts.
HA-D Integration: Activate on Leading Telematics Platforms
Safety Cloud integrates with leading fleet management and telematics platforms. If your fleet uses a wireless platform, telematics hardware, or other select fleet management solutions listed there, visit our Integrations page to see if it connects to Safety Cloud.
Why Should My Department Get Safety Cloud?
As cars become more soundproof and drivers more distracted, traditional analog alerting becomes less effective, ultimately putting the lives of emergency personnel at risk as they perform their jobs. The statistics are clear: every 60 seconds, 27 responders working on the road are at risk. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says that equates to 38,880 per day.
The fall out of a struck-by collision impacts a department in so many ways. Not only do they put human lives on the line, but the damage to these critical vehicles also hinders the protection of both firefighters and the community.
Repairing a damaged apparatus is an expensive and lengthy process. When a department has to undergo this process, that’s one less vehicle that can be used to protect the community. Safety Cloud mitigates this issue by sending alerts up to 30 seconds before a driver encounters a roadway hazard, providing drivers crucial extra time to take appropriate action.
Advanced warning systems like digital alerts can reduce the risk of collision by 90 percent, compared to traditional flashing lights alone. Real Safety Cloud customers like The Columbus Fire Department have seen results themselves. Columbus Fire saw a 15 percent reduction in struck-by collisions after just one year with Safety Cloud.

Safety Cloud digital alerting was created in response to these problems as it provides crucial protection for first responders, roadway workers, and their assets. Digital alerts enhance traditional alerting tools, adding an additional layer of protection by digitally notifying drivers of their presence.
Safety Cloud is more than just a digital alerting service. Your department will see the additional benefits outlined below:
- Access to safety metrics such as response times to scene and on scene
- Improved operational efficiency
- Preventing the loss of expensive apparatus
- The ability to quantify and understand near misses in your department
- A more streamlined flow of traffic
- Expedited emergency operations
- Better Move Over law compliance
- Peace of mind that you, your crew, and their families will get home safely every day
You and your crew risk your lives every day to keep the community safe. You deserve the same level of protection and peace of mind in return. Reach out to HAAS Alert today to learn more about how we can protect your fleet and community. Contact us today to start a conversation.
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